Sammi Truong
Senior Portfolio Manager
Sammi started her journey in real estate over 9 years ago. Over the years her passion for Property Management grew and she enjoys the hands on day to day rewards and challenges that the job entails. She also enjoys setting and meeting goals for her clients and is renowned for her helping nature and going the extra mile to exceed both the clients and tenants’ expectations. “Tenants and landlords can easily disagree, my role is to foresee and avoid such and if they occur, diffuse and resolve any problem promptly and efficiently”. She has an out-going and bubbly personality.
As well as on the job experience, Sammi is conscious of keeping her formal training in property management procedures and systems up-to-date. Striving for excellence she regularly attends courses run by the Real Estate Institute of NSW, Fair Trading NSW and other organisation groups.
Sammi's Portfolio